Imagine your life without self-doubt, depression, binding shame, daily arguments, or chronic health issues…
This article and research is by Ed Ferrigan, M.A., SEP, CPCC. It has been helping people heal developmental trauma since 1997.
You will see a lot of life improvement programs today promoting how to have your best possible life. I have yet to see one of them address how your underlying trauma affects your ability to sustain the practices they recommend. While the sales process may get you excited and optimistic, only in hindsight do see they just don't get your situation.
The effects of developmental trauma is not always easy to see or understand.
Unfortunately, most people who seem to stay stuck in life don't even know to ask about developmental trauma and what the heck it means.
So let me make this simple for you...
The results you are getting today are dictated by your past habits. And most of the time, those habits are hard to see because you have done them for so long you don't even think to look for them. The default belief is "That's the way life is." So we don't question them. We have become identified with them.
Here is how you can check my claim for yourself:
The proof is to ask yourself "Are you happy with your current results?"
Take any aspect of your life and ask yourself that question. For example...
Look at your relationship, if you are in one. Are you happy?
How excited do you feel day-to-day?
Do you like what you see when you look in the mirror? (e.g. physical appearance, self esteem)
How about your financial well being?
Are you in a career that you are passionate about?
Are you motivated to take care of your body?
In 25 years, and after working with several thousand people, have I NOT found a person that didn't have some kind of developmental trauma that is blocking some important success they want.
Here are examples in case you are still unsure what I mean:
Today, when we peruse the internet we have thousands of guru's toting their beliefs about how to "power through" and make a good life for yourself. What I have found is the recommended solutions by theses so called “guru’s” is they don't address an underlying issue that causes you to return to your old ways - causing you to wonder why nothing seems to work. I'm guessing it's because they actually don't know or are afraid to talk about psychology because it will scare people away. In the end they want sales and talking about psychology often leads to people leaving their pages. I'm going to break that rule today for your sake.
Let me describe a common scenario. Let's say for a moment, you start with good intentions to achieve whatever it is you want to achieve. You do everything the "Guru" tell's you to do. You create a "system" to make sure you follow through. Then suddenly, an impulse or distraction redirects you. It could be another method or system that you imagine might get you there faster. So you ping over to another program thinking "It" will finally be the "holy-grail." (This is especially common in the weight loss industry)
As you look back over the years, it's easy to see something has gone wrong and maybe regret sinks in. You realize in hindsight that you are still feeling stuck and not any further ahead. A new challenge then emerges. After so many trial runs, it's hard to believe anything is more than just another "program or system" to entice you. Now, you don't even trust yourself to know the difference.
I finally learned how to put a stop to this vicious cycle, and I will share that with you in just a moment.
A couple years ago, I went back and reviewed hundreds of sessions I had with clients. After highlighting and cataloguing hundreds of remarks and role plays we practiced, I saw a common thread amongst the sessions where clients reported breakthrough success. I then filmed lessons for each of the practices and principles I discovered.
And I wont beleaguer the point like you often see on GURU sales pages where they ramble on and on. You can now access this information below.
The goal of the program is to give you the essential tools to make you aware of any developmental trauma that is still interfering with your success today. It's a proven process that has helped thousands of not only my clients but thousands from all the leading body-centered psychotherapist today.
As you practice the lessons, you will begin to see the habits, patterns, and beliefs that have always been there, right under your nose.
I will not only show you how to identify them, you'll also get exercises to practice that illustrate what to change to get a better results.
And I won't sugar coat this for marketing reasons. Your coping mechanisms and beliefs get modified the more you practice. Feel free to send me an email at if you have any questions.
The Trauma Repair Accelerator is the only online program to give you a set of patterns to practice to unravel ANY developmental trauma block that is stopping you. With practice you'll develop new habits that soon become automatic replacing old patterns.
Soon, you'll begin to see the positive changes happening to you.
You'll get sustainable optimism that is reliable and predictable as your new skills develop.
You don't even need to know you have developmental trauma to use this program. It's a program designed to help you to see any of your own patterns (unconscious habits) that are derailing your success.
Practice any of the patterns in the Trauma Repair Accelerator whenever you like, and you will become far more conscious.
Once learned, you will not only see your patterns more easily you will overcome them in seconds removing the need to seek out a "Guru" or sometimes even therapy or coaching. By all means using a therapist or coach will speed things up for you if they understand the value of these skills.
If you are wanting to do it on your own you won't find a better program anywhere.
Continue reading to see what topics are in the program.
CAUTION: Try not to get overwhelmed with all of the content. It's like learning dance. You learn the basics and then start stacking other moves on top to build your dance tool kit. The Trauma Repair Accelerator is the same. You will learn the basics. Then in time, review sections that you know might provide a solution and master that part of the program. As you review your experience(s) in hindsight, you will become so clear why the practice matters you will automatically go there to resolve your latest concern.
Now, let's continue to see what you get in the program. I will also show you that it is affordable to anyone serious about wanting to identify unconscious habits and learn how to change them permanently without therapy or years of spending money in counseling sessions. There is also no risk to you...
The first part of the program orients you on the basics of trauma. It’s like having a map of the terrain so you can plot your course. You will learn the language of trauma so you can articulate your experience and stay excited about the practices in part two and three that begin the transformation process.
Learning these basics will be like learning the A,B,C’s in grade school. Once you understand them, you will have more hope and confidence moving forward. The goal of this part of the program is to assist you to move forward with confidence and trust in the process and where it is taking you. Get ready to feel the excitement of having your life back.
One of the fastest ways to heal trauma is to bring to light the beliefs, decisions, and things you do that keep it active and unresolved in your body. Trauma is stored in your implicit memory system. This memory system is on autopilot. You have emotional energy, assumptions, beliefs and coping mechanism stuck there.
In part two of the Trauma Release Accelerator, you will learn several ways to identify these patterns so you can interrupt them and finally find resolution. My Tibetan teacher used to tell me, “You need to plug the holes in your leaky bucket.” Good advise as I look back 25 years later. Together, in this program we will repair the leaky bucket!
When you get acquainted to your inner landscape you receive a gift. The earlier in life we start feeling bad the more identified we are with the pain. When we are little we cannot discern that others are actually not always the problem. It's the meaning we make out our limited thinking abilities that's the problem. It is during this stage of development that we make a meaning out of what our bodies mean to us. Most of the time it’s not good. We think "If I feel bad this often, I must be a bad person." Sadly, that becomes the default until we see it and question it.
In this Module, you’ll learn how to disassociate from the old feelings and who you thought you were and re-associate with the real you. After you work your way through this section, you will learn to appreciate how the body is always giving you feedback now that you know how to listen.
In this section of the Trauma Release Accelerator, you will learn a multitude of new skills that will consistently give you relief. Over time, and with regular practice, you will soon feel the relief that comes from these practices. One of my teachers, Dr. Peter Levine, says, “Good trauma therapy is when the client is feeling better and they don’t even know how it happened.”
The practices in this section, will slowly discharge the pent-up energy in your nervous system. As this happens you’ll organically begin to see life from a new lens, end the coping patterns, and change your beliefs about the world permanently. Then you start getting better results without so much effort.
Trauma is about energy stuck in the nervous system not the event. When you release the energy, your body begins to self regulate and feel safe again. Only then, can you achieve a fulfilled life.
~ Ed Ferrigan, creator of the Trauma Repair Accelerator Model
Total Value $1415
Ed Ferrigan has been running his own coaching practice since 1997. He has a Masters in psychology from Antioch University, is certified as a Co-Active Coach From The Coaches Training Institute, certified as a Family Constellation Facilitator, certified in The Hendricks Body Centered and Conscious Relationships Program, and has the highest designation in the Peter Levine's Somatic Experiencing Trauma Healing Process. Has logged over 5000+ hours and worked with over a thousand happy clients in the past 26 years...
This is a good question. I've done my very best to select and assemble 25 years of research and field testing with hundreds of traumatized people I’ve worked into a system that is easy to see the results. And there are some other indicators that I think create a solid container for trusting this process.
Sometimes people are just not ready. I have found that some people are coerced into coming to therapy and unfortunately that never works. There is often not enough motivation or understanding of the value.
You see, in the past when they reached out they got slammed so why would they want to reach out now? Their memory system is reminding them... (Classic example of how our unconscious works)
It can be terrifying for people who got "less than adequate support" over-and over-again when they were little to reach out later in life. It can literally seem like a life-or-death choice.
I get it. I was one of those people. I tip-toed into therapy.
Most people that could use the help need a lot of motivation to overcome the beliefs they acquired when they needed help early on.
Often, there is zero trust in others. (This is a perfect example of how your unconscious motivates you out of your awareness.)
There are certain signs of people who won't make it in any program. (Continuous excuses, lack of commitment, avoidance, no follow-through, not doing the homework, showing up late, not creating a private space to process)
If you relate strongly to any of the points below, consider it may be a challenge for you to succeed - even though you may have a "hint" of desire...
Here are some signs to pay attention to...