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Learn These First 4 Trauma Relief Practices To Get Immediate Relief From Any Past Trauma You've Experienced While Laying The Foundation For Permanent Relief...

What's In The Trauma Repair Accelerator Program

You will see a lot of program's today promoting how to have your best possible life. I have yet to see one of them address how underlying past trauma affects your ability to sustain the practices they recommend. The effects of developmental trauma is not always easy to see. 

The proof is are you happy with your current results? Look at your relationship, if you are in one. Look at how excited you feel day-to-day? Do you like what you see when you look in the mirror? How about your financial well being? Are you in a career that you are passionate about? Are you motivated to take care of your body?

Rarely, have I found a person that didn't have some kind of developmental trauma. Here are examples in case you are wondering what I mean: 

  • Low self worth (You get nauseated when you think of public speaking, get anxious before you try new things, negative self talk when you look in the mirror, or even disgust over your body or looks, depression)

  • Sense of not belonging anywhere (Feel lost, no or only a few friends, no one reaches out to you, one sided friendships, insatiable desire to feel like home)

  • Addictions (Over eating, drugs, sex-pornography, alcohol, binge watching Netflix)

  • Feelings of shame when things don’t go right (a sick feeling in your gut)

  • Fear of being seen (You avoid experiences that might expose you or draws attention to you)

  • Afraid to speak up (Shut down, get quiet, or even shrink when you disagree)

  • Regular bouts of feeling victimized (Negative whining tone when complaining to friends)

  • Fear of intimacy (Push people away when they get too close, sabotage relationships, pick people where you know it won’t work)

  • Fear of sexuality (Inhibited, frigid, avoid the conversation, avoid the situation, or the extreme opposite behavior)

  • Financial issues (Struggle with jobs or self employment, Poor spending habits, Debt)

  • Arguing and fighting with partner

  • Discounting your talents (Negative self talk, shun or deflect appreciation from others)

What I have found is the recommended solutions by the “guru’s” don't address an underlying issue that causes you to return to your old ways - causing you to wonder why nothing seems to work. You start with good intentions. You do everything they tell you to do. You create a "system" to make sure you follow through.

Then suddenly, some impulse or distraction redirects you. It could be another method or framework that you imagine might get you there faster. So you ping over to another program, and the story continues...

As you look back over the years, it's easy to see something has gone wrong and regret sinks in. The challenge though, after so many trial runs, is to believe anything is more than just another "program or framework" to entice you. Now you don't even trust yourself to know the difference. 

I finally learned how to put a stop to the nonsense and I want to share that with you today.

Over 10 years years ago, I went back and reviewed hundreds of sessions I had with clients. After highlighting and cataloguing hundreds of remarks and role plays we practiced, I saw a common thread amongst the sessions where clients reported breakthrough success. A couple years ago I began to film lessons for each of the practices and principles I discovered. You can now access this information below.

The goal of the program is to give you the essential tools to make you aware of any developmental trauma that is still interfering with your success today (most of the time outside of your awareness). As you practice the lessons, you will begin to see the habits, patterns, and beliefs that have always been there, right under your nose. I will then show you how to identify them and what to change to get a better result.

And I won't sugar coat this for marketing reasons. Your coping mechanisms and beliefs get modified the more you practice.

Feel free to send me an email at [email protected] if you have any questions.

Trauma is about energy stuck in the nervous system NOT the event. When you release the “stuck” energy, your body begins to self regulate and feel safe again. Only then, can you achieve a fulfilled life. 

- Ed Ferrigan, Creator of the TRA-10 Trauma Healing Model

Introducing The Trauma Repair Accelerator...

    Component #1: Step-By-Step Video Lessons

    Part 1: Trauma Basics

  • The Activation-Regulation Cycle Explained

  • The 4 F’s of Flight, Flight, Freeze, Faint

  • Stimulus or Cue, Routine, Reward Model

  • Orienting

  • Discharging

  • Grounding

  • Part 2: See Your Blind Spots

  • Visioning For Success

  • The C.A.M.B.S. Model

  • Processing Emotions

  • Identify Fear Based Strategies

  • Transitions

  • Broken Agreements

  • Part 3: Refriend Your Body

  • Tracking Sensations

  • Naming Emotions

  • Wants & Needs

  • What's in Your Control

  • Learning to Love "What Is"

  • Part 4: Loosening The Grip

  • Witness Observer

  • Resourcing Yourself

  • Attunement

  • Tracking The Breath

  • Tracking Sensations

  • Pendulating

  • One Breath "What is True" Statements

  • Notice what is positive & different

  • Power of Meditation

Component #2: Weekly Email Training

Integrate each video with a weekly prep email describing the situation and how to apply what will be in the next video. It tees up the next lesson in a way you are eager to watch, practice the lesson, and know how to apply it. Each week you’ll get a specifically designed email to open the lesson, offer insights, and help you frame up how to think about the video as you work your way through it. It will keep you motivated and offer you timely insights. ($150 Value)

Component #3: Lesson Worksheets

Along with each video and emails you will have PDF worksheet to follow for each exercise. It will help you to have recorded notes of what is working and what you need help on. ($100 Value)

Component #4: Feedback Systems

There is a feedback button on every video-lesson page that keeps me informed and a pulse on what is the program needs further explanation. I regularly monitor this feedback and when needed will offer weekly on-line sessions to clarify concepts, exercises, or how to handle specific situations. (no charge)

Component #5: Lifetime Updates

For the time being I am offering lifetime updates to the Trauma Release Accelerator. Neuroscience, trauma research, attachment theory, other up-and-coming psychological models and my own insights continue to refine my knowledge of the principles and I want to continue to share them with you. It is one of my life goals to create a program that has the potential to change the world. The Trauma Release Accelerator or TRA-10 System is the foundation of that. ($300 Value)

Component #6: Private Discussion Group

One of the biggest challenges with integrating any new information is how our brains are wired to like patterns. Until you experience something you will not know if your pattern is promoting your learning or resisting learning. What we know for sure in brain science is our brains can change but you must give it a reason. Learning from others is another way to embody the TRA-10 concepts. I encourage you to utilize this private group and save yourself a lot of time and money. ($300 Yearly Value)

30 Day Money Back Guarantee

What To Do Next...

Click the button below to get started and within a few minutes you’ll have access to the Trauma Release Accelerator

TRA Program Summary

Who Is Ed

Ed Ferrigan has been running his own practice since 1997. He has a Masters in psychology from Antioch University, is certified as a Co-Active Coach From The Coaches Training Institute, certified as a Family Constellation Facilitator, certified in The Hendricks Body Centered and Conscious Relationships Program, and has the highest designation in the Peter Levine's Somatic Experiencing Trauma Healing Process. Has worked with over a thousand happy clients in the past 24 years...

How Can You Trust This Process?

This is a good question. I've done my very best to select and assemble 23+ years of research and field testing with hundreds of traumatized people I’ve worked into a system that is easy to see the results.

And there are some other indicators that I think create a solid container for trusting this process...

  • My mentors, a group of the most dedicated trauma researchers who have been in the trenches for 30+ years (John Gottman, Gay & Kathlyn Hendricks, Allan Schore, Bessel van der Kolk, Larry Heller, Peter Levine, Pat Ogden, Susan Johnson, Harville Hendricks, Bert Hellinger, and dozens of others)

  • Information validated by thousands of therapists who use these tools

  • Tools designed and researched by the best in the business

  • Results from my own clients who's lives have drastically changed for the better

  • I personally use the tools daily and experience the results to determine what works and what doesn’t and what you have to do to implement them

  • That I too have been through the struggle and got through to the other side

  • I know what it takes to work through life's worst stuff (like losing a job, wife, and 20 years of personal savings ...all in one month)

  • And I know what it’s like to drop the mask of trying to fit in and finding the real you underneath it all… so you approach life from an authentic perspective

Is This Program Right For You?

Sometimes people are just not ready. I have found that some people are coerced into coming to therapy and unfortunately that never works. There is often not enough motivation or understanding of the value.

You see, in the past when they reached out they got slammed so why would they want to reach out now?

It can be terrifying for people who got "less than adequate support" over-and over-again when they were little to reach out later in life. It can literally seem like a life-or-death choice.

I get it. I was one of those people. I tip-toed into therapy.

Most people that could use the help need a lot of motivation to overcome the beliefs they acquired when they needed help early on.

Often, there is zero trust in others. (This is a perfect example of how your unconscious motivates you out of your awareness.)

There are certain signs of people who won't make it in any program. (Continuous excuses, lack of commitment, avoidance, no follow-through)

If you relate strongly to any of the points below, consider it may be a challenge for you to succeed - even though you may have a "hint" of desire...

Here are some signs to pay attention to...

My heart wishes you goodness in life and I look forward to seeing you in the program.

Blessings today!

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